The Goldman Centre will reopen as a community space in the next few months.

Over the past 30 years, the Centre has hosted many different initiatives, including Northampton SolFed, Greenpeace, Northampton Women’s Peace Group, Radical Routes, Transition Town Northampton, Northants Direct Action, as well as various material & food shares (recently reinitiated by the emergence of the Blackbird Community Project). In the early period of the co-op, it was occasionally used for anti-military gatherings, this included appearances of collectives like Anarchists Against the Bomb and the Stop The War Coalition.

In line with the 7 Co-operative Principles, present members believe the space should be used for local needs and interests.
The Centre features a library, with a wide variety of radical literature, and a projector with a sound system.

If you would like to make use of the space, you can email us at (note the intentional ‘e’ in the spelling of ‘blackcurrent’!).
Solidarity, friends! A better world is possible.